Multimessenger science opportunities with mHz gravitational waves


John Baker, Zoltán Haiman, Elena Maria Rossi, Edo Berger, Niel Brandt, Elmé Breedt, Katelyn Breivik, Maria Charisi, Andrea Derdzinski, Daniel J D'Orazio, Saavik Ford, Jenny E Greene, J Colin Hill, Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, Joey Shapiro Key, Bence Kocsis, Thomas Kupfer, Shane Larson, Piero Madau, Thomas Marsh, Barry McKernan, Sean T McWilliams, Priyamvada Natarajan, Samaya Nissanke, Scott Noble


LISA will open the mHz band of gravitational waves (GWs) to the astronomy community. The strong gravity which powers the variety of GW sources in this band is also crucial in a number of important astrophysical processes at the current frontiers of astronomy. These range from the beginning of structure formation in the early universe, through the origin and cosmic evolution of massive black holes in concert with their galactic environments, to the evolution of stellar remnant binaries in the Milky Way and in nearby galaxies. These processes and their associated populations also drive current and future observations across the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. We review opportunities for science breakthroughs, involving either direct coincident EM+GW observations, or indirect multimessenger studies. We argue that for the US community to fully capitalize on the opportunities from the LISA mission, the US efforts should be accompanied by a coordinated and sustained program of multi-disciplinary science investment, following the GW data through to its impact on broad areas of astrophysics. Support for LISA-related multimessenger observers and theorists should be sized appropriately for a flagship observatory and may be coordinated through a dedicated mHz GW research center.

New Horizon: On the origin of the stellar disk and spheroid of field galaxies


M-J Park, SK Yi, Y Dubois, C Pichon, T Kimm, JULIEN Devriendt, H Choi, M Volonteri, S Kaviraj, S Peirani


The origin of the disk and spheroid of galaxies has been a key open question in understanding their morphology. Using the high-resolution cosmological simulation, New Horizon, we explore kinematically decomposed disk and spheroidal components of 144 field galaxies with masses greater than $\rm 10^9\,M_{\odot}$ at $z=0.7$. The origins of stellar particles are classified according to their birthplace (in situ or ex situ) and their orbits at birth. Before disk settling, stars form mainly through chaotic mergers between proto-galaxies and become part of the spheroidal component. When disk settling starts, we find that more massive galaxies begin to form disk stars from earlier epochs; massive galaxies commence to develop their disks at $z\sim1-2$, while low-mass galaxies do after $z\sim1$. The formation of disks is affected by accretion as well, as mergers can trigger gas turbulence or induce misaligned gas infall that prevents galaxies from forming co-rotating disk stars. The importance of accreted stars is greater in more massive galaxies, especially in developing massive spheroids. A significant fraction of the spheroids comes from the disk stars that are perturbed, which becomes more important at lower redshifts. Some ($\sim12.5\%$) of our massive galaxies develop counter-rotating disks from the gas infall misaligned with the existing disk plane, which can last for more than a Gyr until they become the dominant component, and flip the angular momentum of the galaxy in the opposite direction. The final disk-to-total ratio of a galaxy needs to be understood in relation to its stellar mass and accretion history. We quantify the significance of the stars with different origins and provide them as guiding values.

New constraints on the molecular gas content of a z ∼ 8 galaxy from JVLA CO(J=2-1) observations

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters Wiley


Gareth Jones, Joris Witstok, Alice Concas, Nicolas Laporte


As the primary fuel for star formation, molecular gas plays a key role in galaxy evolution. A number of techniques have been used for deriving the mass of molecular reservoirs in the early Universe (e.g., [CII]158 𝜇m, [CI], dust continuum), but the standard approach of CO-based estimates has been limited to a small number of galaxies due to the intrinsic faintness of the line. We present Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) observations of the 𝑧 ∼ 8.31 galaxy MACS0416_Y1, targeting CO(2-1) and rest-frame radio continuum emission, which result in upper limits on both quantities. Adding our continuum limit to the published far-infrared (FIR) spectral energy distribution (SED), we find a small non-thermal contribution to the FIR emission, a low dust mass (log10 (MD/M⊙) ∼ 5), and an abnormally high dust temperature (TD ≳ 90 K) that may indicate a recent starburst. Assuming a low metallicity (𝑍/𝑍⊙ ∼ 0.25), we find evidence for 𝑀H2,CO ≲ 1010 M⊙, in agreement with previous [CII] investigations (𝑀H2,[CII] ∼ 109.6 M⊙). Upcoming JWST observations of this source will result in a precise determination of 𝑍, enabling better constraints and an unprecedented view of the gaseous reservoir in this primordial starburst galaxy.

Normal black holes in bulge-less galaxies: the largely quiescent, merger-free growth of black holes over cosmic time



G Martin, S Kaviraj, M Volonteri, BD Simmons, JEG Devriendt, CJ Lintott, RJ Smethurst, Y Dubois, C Pichon


Understanding the processes that drive the formation of black holes (BHs) is a key topic in observational cosmology. While the observed $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$--$M_{\mathrm{Bulge}}$ correlation in bulge-dominated galaxies is thought to be produced by major mergers, the existence of a $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$--$M_{\star}$ relation, across all galaxy morphological types, suggests that BHs may be largely built by secular processes. Recent evidence that bulge-less galaxies, which are unlikely to have had significant mergers, are offset from the $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$--$M_{\mathrm{Bulge}}$ relation, but lie on the $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$--$M_{\star}$ relation, has strengthened this hypothesis. Nevertheless, the small size and heterogeneity of current datasets, coupled with the difficulty in measuring precise BH masses, makes it challenging to address this issue using empirical studies alone. Here, we use Horizon-AGN, a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation to probe the role of mergers in BH growth over cosmic time. We show that (1) as suggested by observations, simulated bulge-less galaxies lie offset from the main $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$--$M_{\mathrm{Bulge}}$ relation, but on the $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$--$M_{\star}$ relation, (2) the positions of galaxies on the $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$--$M_{\star}$ relation are not affected by their merger histories and (3) only $\sim$35 per cent of the BH mass in today's massive galaxies is directly attributable to merging -- the majority ($\sim$65 per cent) of BH growth, therefore, takes place gradually, via secular processes, over cosmic time.

On the Observed Diversity of Star Formation Efficiencies in Giant Molecular Clouds


K Grisdale, O Agertz, F Renaud, JULIEN Devriendt, A Slyz


Observations find a median star formation efficiency per free-fall time in Milky Way Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) on the order of $\epsilon_{\rm ff}\sim 1\%$ and a four order of magnitude spread in values ($0.01\%-100\%$). The origin of the large range in $\epsilon_{\rm ff}$ is still debated and difficult to reproduce with analytical models. We track the formation, evolution and destruction of GMCs in a hydrodynamical simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy and by deriving cloud properties in an observationally motivated way, measure the distribution of star formation efficiencies which are in excellent agreement with observations. We find no significant link between $\epsilon_{\rm ff}$ and any measured global property of GMCs (e.g. gas mass, velocity dispersion). Instead, a wide range of efficiencies exist in the entire parameter space. From the cloud evolutionary tracks, we find that each cloud follow a \emph{unique} evolutionary path which gives rise to wide diversity in all properties. We argue that it is this diversity in cloud properties, above all else, that results in scatter of $\epsilon_{\rm ff}$.