Jet Streams and Tracer Mixing in the Atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and Isolated Young Giant Planets

ArXiv 2203.10523 (2022)

Weak Seasonality on Temperate Exoplanets Around Low-mass Stars

ArXiv 2203.1051 (2022)

Geophysical Evolution During Rocky Planet Formation

ArXiv 2203.10023 (2022)


Tim Lichtenberg, Laura K Schaefer, Miki Nakajima, Rebecca A Fischer

Cloud-convection feedback in brown dwarfs atmosphere



Maxence Lefèvre, Xianyu Tan, Elspeth KH Lee, RT Pierrehumbert

Fluid Mechanics: the quintessential complex system

Journal of Fluid Mechanics Cambridge University Press 938 (2022) F1


The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics recognizes advances in the understanding of complex systems, and underscores that ‘complex’ does not mean ‘imponderable’.