Constraints on the Intergalactic Magnetic Field Using Fermi-LAT and H.E.S.S. Blazar Observations

The Astrophysical Journal Letters American Astronomical Society 950:2 (2023) l16


F Aharonian, J Aschersleben, M Backes, V Barbosa Martins, R Batzofin, Y Becherini, D Berge, B Bi, M Bouyahiaoui, M Breuhaus, R Brose, F Brun, B Bruno, T Bulik, C Burger-Scheidlin, T Bylund, S Caroff, S Casanova, J Celic, M Cerruti, T Chand, S Chandra, A Chen, J Chibueze, O Chibueze, G Cotter, M de Bony, K Egberts, J-P Ernenwein, G Fichet de Clairfontaine, M Filipovic, G Fontaine, M Füssling, S Funk, S Gabici, S Ghafourizadeh, G Giavitto, D Glawion, JF Glicenstein, P Goswami, M-H Grondin, L Haerer, TL Holch, M Holler, D Horns, M Jamrozy, F Jankowsky, V Joshi, I Jung-Richardt, E Kasai, K Katarzyński, R Khatoon, B Khélifi, W Kluźniak, Nu Komin, K Kosack, D Kostunin, RG Lang, S Le Stum, F Leitl, A Lemière, J-P Lenain, F Leuschner, T Lohse, A Luashvili, I Lypova, J Mackey, D Malyshev, D Malyshev, V Marandon, P Marchegiani, A Marcowith, G Martí-Devesa, R Marx, M Meyer, A Mitchell, R Moderski, L Mohrmann, A Montanari, E Moulin, J Muller, T Murach, K Nakashima, J Niemiec, S Ohm, L Olivera-Nieto, E de Ona Wilhelmi, S Panny, M Panter, RD Parsons, G Peron, DA Prokhorov, H Prokoph, G Pühlhofer, M Punch, A Quirrenbach, P Reichherzer, A Reimer, O Reimer, B Reville, F Rieger, G Rowell, B Rudak, E Ruiz-Velasco, V Sahakian, DA Sanchez, M Sasaki, F Schüssler, HM Schutte, U Schwanke, JNS Shapopi, H Sol, S Spencer, S Steinmassl, H Suzuki, T Takahashi, T Tanaka, AM Taylor, R Terrier, C Thorpe-Morgan, M Tsirou, N Tsuji, Y Uchiyama, C van Eldik, J Veh, C Venter, SJ Wagner, R White, A Wierzcholska, Yu Wun Wong, M Zacharias, D Zargaryan, AA Zdziarski, S Zouari, N Żywucka, HESS Collaboration, M Meyer, Fermi-LAT Collaboration

Secular Spin–Orbit Resonances of Black Hole Binaries in AGN Disks

The Astrophysical Journal American Astronomical Society 950:1 (2023) 48


Gongjie Li, Hareesh Gautham Bhaskar, Bence Kocsis, Douglas NC Lin

The Population of the Galactic Center Filaments: Position Angle Distribution Reveals a Degree-scale Collimated Outflow from Sgr A* along the Galactic Plane

The Astrophysical Journal Letters American Astronomical Society 949:2 (2023) l31


F Yusef-Zadeh, RG Arendt, M Wardle, I Heywood

Mass measurements and 3D orbital geometry of PSR J1933–6211

Astronomy & Astrophysics EDP Sciences 674 (2023) a169


M Geyer, V Venkatraman Krishnan, PCC Freire, M Kramer, J Antoniadis, M Bailes, MCI Bernadich, S Buchner, AD Cameron, DJ Champion, A Karastergiou, MJ Keith, ME Lower, S Osłowski, A Possenti, A Parthasarathy, DJ Reardon, M Serylak, RM Shannon, R Spiewak, W van Straten, JPW Verbiest

X-ray and near-infrared observations of the middle-aged pulsar B1055-52, its multiwavelength spectrum, and proper motion



B Posselt, GG Pavlov, O Kargaltsev, J Hare