WFSPEC - a multi-object AO instrument for the European extremely large telescope

Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (2007)


G Moretto, JG Cuby, E Prieto, F Hammer, P Jagourel, G Rousset, T Fusco, J Devriendt


WFSPEC is a multi-integral field spectrograph instrument concept combining local AO correction over a wide field of view. This local correction is achieved by a multi object adaptive optics system integrated into the instrument. Instrument concept, development and preliminary results on performance simulations are discussed. © 2007 Optical Society of America.

Coevolution of dark matter halos and black holes

ASTR SOC P 379 (2007) 273-275


A Babic, L Miller, W Percival, S Croorn


We investigate a model of the coevolution of black holes and dark matter halos. The evolution of dark matter halos is based on the Press-Schechter theory. Assuming a simple relation between dark matter halos and supermassive black holes enables us to reproduce both the observed evolving hard X-ray luminosity function and the X-ray background.

Cosmological behavior of Bekenstein's modified theory of gravity

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 75:6 (2007) ARTN 063508


F Bourliot, PG Ferreira, DF Mota, C Skordis

GaIICS: A hybrid approach to cosmological chemodynamics

EAS PUBLICATIONS 24 (2007) 215-220


This contribution addresses the issue of metal enrichment and the distribution of metals in the lSN/IGM/ICM within the framework of a hybrid N-body plus semi-analytic method. It discusses its impact on galaxy bimodality and multi-wavelength galaxy counts.

Magnetized nonlinear thin-shell instability: Numerical studies in two dimensions

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 665:1 (2007) 445-456


Fabian Heitsch, Adrianne D Slyz, Julien EG Devriendt, Lee W Hartmann, Andreas Burkert