Probing the Connection between IceCube Neutrinos and MOJAVE AGN

The Astrophysical Journal American Astronomical Society 973:2 (2024) 97


R Abbasi, M Ackermann, J Adams, SK Agarwalla, JA Aguilar, M Ahlers, JM Alameddine, NM Amin, K Andeen, C Argüelles, Y Ashida, S Athanasiadou, L Ausborm, SN Axani, X Bai, A Balagopal V., M Baricevic, SW Barwick, S Bash, V Basu, R Bay, JJ Beatty, J Becker Tjus, J Beise, C Bellenghi, C Benning, S BenZvi, D Berley, E Bernardini, DZ Besson, E Blaufuss, L Bloom, S Blot, F Bontempo, JY Book Motzkin, C Boscolo Meneguolo, S Böser, O Botner, J Böttcher, J Braun, B Brinson, J Brostean-Kaiser, L Brusa, RT Burley, D Butterfield, MA Campana, I Caracas, K Carloni, J Carpio, S Chattopadhyay, N Chau, Z Chen, D Chirkin, S Choi, BA Clark, A Coleman, GH Collin, A Connolly, JM Conrad, R Corley, DF Cowen, P Dave, C De Clercq, JJ DeLaunay, D Delgado, S Deng, A Desai, P Desiati, KD de Vries, G de Wasseige, T DeYoung, A Diaz, JC Díaz-Vélez, P Dierichs, M Dittmer, A Domi, L Draper, H Dujmovic, D Durnford, K Dutta, MA DuVernois, T Ehrhardt, L Eidenschink, A Eimer, P Eller, E Ellinger, S El Mentawi, D Elsässer, R Engel, H Erpenbeck, J Evans, PA Evenson, KL Fan, K Fang, K Farrag, AR Fazely, A Fedynitch, N Feigl, S Fiedlschuster, C Finley, L Fischer, D Fox, A Franckowiak, S Fukami, P Fürst, J Gallagher, E Ganster, A Garcia, M Garcia, G Garg, E Genton, L Gerhardt, A Ghadimi, C Girard-Carillo, C Glaser, T Glüsenkamp, JG Gonzalez, S Goswami, A Granados, D Grant, SJ Gray, O Gries, S Griffin, S Griswold, KM Groth, D Guevel, C Günther, P Gutjahr, C Ha, C Haack, A Hallgren, L Halve, F Halzen, H Hamdaoui, M Ha Minh, M Handt, K Hanson, J Hardin, AA Harnisch, P Hatch, A Haungs, J Häußler, K Helbing, J Hellrung, J Hermannsgabner, L Heuermann, N Heyer, S Hickford, A Hidvegi, C Hill, GC Hill, KD Hoffman, S Hori, K Hoshina, M Hostert, W Hou, T Huber, K Hultqvist, M Hünnefeld, R Hussain, K Hymon, A Ishihara, W Iwakiri, M Jacquart, S Jain, O Janik, M Jansson, GS Japaridze, M Jeong, M Jin, BJP Jones, N Kamp, D Kang, W Kang, X Kang, A Kappes, D Kappesser, L Kardum, T Karg, M Karl, A Karle, A Katil, U Katz, M Kauer, JL Kelley, M Khanal, A Khatee Zathul, A Kheirandish, J Kiryluk, SR Klein, A Kochocki, R Koirala, H Kolanoski, T Kontrimas, L Köpke, C Kopper, DJ Koskinen, P Koundal, M Kovacevich, M Kowalski, T Kozynets, J Krishnamoorthi, K Kruiswijk, E Krupczak, A Kumar, E Kun, N Kurahashi, N Lad, C Lagunas Gualda, M Lamoureux, MJ Larson, S Latseva, F Lauber, JP Lazar, JW Lee, K Leonard DeHolton, A Leszczyńska, J Liao, M Lincetto, YT Liu, M Liubarska, C Love, L Lu, F Lucarelli, W Luszczak, Y Lyu, J Madsen, E Magnus, KBM Mahn, Y Makino, E Manao, S Mancina, W Marie Sainte, IC Mariş, S Marka, Z Marka, M Marsee, I Martinez-Soler, R Maruyama, F Mayhew, F McNally, JV Mead, K Meagher, S Mechbal, A Medina, M Meier, Y Merckx, L Merten, J Micallef, J Mitchell, T Montaruli, RW Moore, Y Morii, R Morse, M Moulai, T Mukherjee, R Naab, R Nagai, M Nakos, U Naumann, J Necker, A Negi, L Neste, M Neumann, H Niederhausen, MU Nisa, K Noda, A Noell, A Novikov, A Obertacke Pollmann, V O’Dell, B Oeyen, A Olivas, R Orsoe, J Osborn, E O’Sullivan, V Palusova, H Pandya, N Park, GK Parker, EN Paudel, L Paul, C Pérez de los Heros, T Pernice, J Peterson, A Pizzuto, M Plum, A Pontén, Y Popovych, M Prado Rodriguez, B Pries, R Procter-Murphy, GT Przybylski, C Raab, J Rack-Helleis, M Ravn, K Rawlins, Z Rechav, A Rehman, P Reichherzer, E Resconi, S Reusch, W Rhode, B Riedel, A Rifaie, EJ Roberts, S Robertson, S Rodan, G Roellinghoff, M Rongen, A Rosted, C Rott, T Ruhe, L Ruohan, D Ryckbosch, I Safa, J Saffer, D Salazar-Gallegos, P Sampathkumar, A Sandrock, M Santander, S Sarkar, S Sarkar, J Savelberg, P Savina, P Schaile, M Schaufel, H Schieler, S Schindler, L Schlickmann, B Schlüter, F Schlüter, N Schmeisser, T Schmidt, J Schneider, FG Schröder, L Schumacher, S Sclafani, D Seckel, M Seikh, M Seo, S Seunarine, P Sevle Myhr, R Shah, S Shefali, N Shimizu, M Silva, B Skrzypek, B Smithers, R Snihur, J Soedingrekso, A Søgaard, D Soldin, P Soldin, G Sommani, C Spannfellner, GM Spiczak, C Spiering, M Stamatikos, T Stanev, T Stezelberger, T Stürwald, T Stuttard, GW Sullivan, I Taboada, S Ter-Antonyan, A Terliuk, M Thiesmeyer, WG Thompson, J Thwaites, S Tilav, K Tollefson, C Tönnis, S Toscano, D Tosi, A Trettin, R Turcotte, JP Twagirayezu, MA Unland Elorrieta, AK Upadhyay, K Upshaw, A Vaidyanathan, N Valtonen-Mattila, J Vandenbroucke, N van Eijndhoven, D Vannerom, J van Santen, J Vara, F Varsi, J Veitch-Michaelis, M Venugopal, M Vereecken, S Vergara Carrasco, S Verpoest, D Veske, A Vijai, C Walck, A Wang, C Weaver, P Weigel, A Weindl, J Weldert, AY Wen, C Wendt, J Werthebach, M Weyrauch, N Whitehorn, CH Wiebusch, DR Williams, L Witthaus, A Wolf, M Wolf, G Wrede, XW Xu, JP Yanez, E Yildizci, S Yoshida, R Young, S Yu, T Yuan, Z Zhang, P Zhelnin, P Zilberman, M Zimmerman

The expected kinematic matter dipole is robust against source evolution

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters Oxford University Press (OUP) (2024)


Abstract Recent measurements using catalogues of quasars and radio galaxies have shown that the dipole anisotropy in the large-scale distribution of matter is about twice as large as is expected in the standard ΛCDM model, indeed in any cosmology based on the Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric. This expectation is based on the kinematic interpretation of the dipole anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background, i.e. as arising due to our local peculiar velocity. The effect of aberration and Doppler boosting on the projected number counts on the sky of cosmologically distant objects in a flux-limited catalogue can then be calculated and confronted with observations. This fundamental consistency test of FLRW models proposed by Ellis&Baldwin in 1984 was revisited recently arguing that redshift evolution of the sources can significantly affect the expected matter dipole. In this note we demonstrate that the Ellis&Baldwin test is in fact robust to such effects, hence the >5σ dipole anomaly uncovered recently remains an outstanding challenge to the ΛCDM model.

A collinear shower algorithm for NSL non-singlet fragmentation

ArXiv 2409.08316 (2024)


Melissa van Beekveld, Mrinal Dasgupta, Basem Kamal El-Menoufi, Jack Helliwell, Pier Francesco Monni, Gavin P Salam

More axion stars from strings

Journal of High Energy Physics Springer 2024:8 (2024) 126


Marco Gorghetto, Edward Hardy, Giovanni Villadoro


We show that if dark matter consists of QCD axions in the post-inflationary scenario more than ten percent of it efficiently collapses into Bose stars at matter-radiation equality. Such a result is mostly independent of the present uncertainties on the axion mass. This large population of solitons, with asteroid masses and Earth-Moon distance sizes, might plausibly survive until today, with potentially interesting implications for phenomenology and experimental searches.

String Theory and the First Half of the Universe

JCAP 08 (2024) 018


Fien Apers, Joseph P. Conlon, Edmund J. Copeland, Martin Mosny, Filippo Revello


We perform a detailed study of stringy moduli-driven cosmologies between the end of inflation and the commencement of the Hot Big Bang, including both the background and cosmological perturbations: a period that can cover half the lifetime of the universe on a logarithmic scale. Compared to the standard cosmology, stringy cosmologies motivate extended kination, tracker and moduli-dominated epochs involving significantly trans-Planckian field excursions. Conventional effective field theory is unable to control Planck-suppressed operators and so such epochs require a stringy completion for a consistent analysis. Perturbation growth in these stringy cosmologies is substantially enhanced compared to conventional cosmological histories. The transPlanckian field evolution results in radical changes to Standard Model couplings during this history and we outline potential applications to baryogenesis, dark matter and gravitational wave production.