Quantum self-supervised learning

Quantum Science and Technology IOP Publishing 7:3 (2022) 35005


B Jaderberg, Lw Anderson, W Xie, S Albanie, M Kiffner, D Jaksch


The resurgence of self-supervised learning, whereby a deep learning model generates its own supervisory signal from the data, promises a scalable way to tackle the dramatically increasing size of real-world data sets without human annotation. However, the staggering computational complexity of these methods is such that for state-of-the-art performance, classical hardware requirements represent a significant bottleneck to further progress. Here we take the first steps to understanding whether quantum neural networks (QNNs) could meet the demand for more powerful architectures and test its effectiveness in proof-of-principle hybrid experiments. Interestingly, we observe a numerical advantage for the learning of visual representations using small-scale QNN over equivalently structured classical networks, even when the quantum circuits are sampled with only 100 shots. Furthermore, we apply our best quantum model to classify unseen images on the ibmq_paris quantum computer and find that current noisy devices can already achieve equal accuracy to the equivalent classical model on downstream tasks.

Dipolar Bose-Hubbard model in finite-size real-space cylindrical lattices

Physical Review A American Physical Society 105:5 (2022) 053301


Michael Hughes, Dieter Jaksch


Recent experimental progress in magnetic atoms and polar molecules has created the prospect of simulating dipolar Hubbard models with off-site interactions. When applied to real-space cylindrical optical lattices, these anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions acquire a tunable spatially dependent component while they remain translationally invariant in the axial direction, creating a sublattice structure in the azimuthal direction. We numerically study how the coexistence of these classes of interactions affects the ground state of hard-core dipolar bosons at half filling in a finite-size cylindrical optical lattice with octagonal rings. When these two interaction classes cooperate, we find a solid state where the density order is determined by the azimuthal sublattice structure and builds smoothly as the interaction strength increases. For dipole polarizations where the axial interactions are sufficiently repulsive, the repulsion competes with the sublattice structure, significantly increasing entanglement and creating two distinct ordered density patterns. The spatially varying interactions cause the emergence of these ordered states in small lattices as a function of interaction strength to be staggered according to the azimuthal sublattices.

Tunable Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions between Spatial and Temporal Order through Dissipation



Zhao Zhang, Davide Dreon, Tilman Esslinger, Dieter Jaksch, Berislav Buca, Tobias Donner

Protecting coherence from the environment via Stark many-body localization in a Quantum-Dot Simulator



Subhajit Sarkar, Berislav Buča

Algebraic theory of quantum synchronization and limit cycles under dissipation

SciPost Physics SciPost 12 (2022) 097


Berislav Buča, Cameron Booker, Dieter Jaksch


Synchronization is a phenomenon where interacting particles lock their motion and display non-trivial dynamics. Despite intense efforts studying synchronization in systems without clear classical limits, no comprehensive theory has been found. We develop such a general theory based on novel necessary and sufficient algebraic criteria for persistently oscillating eigenmodes (limit cycles) of time-independent quantum master equations. We show these eigenmodes must be quantum coherent and give an exact analytical solution for all such dynamics in terms of a dynamical symmetry algebra. Using our theory, we study both stable synchronization and metastable/transient synchronization. We use our theory to fully characterise spontaneous synchronization of autonomous systems. Moreover, we give compact algebraic criteria that may be used to prove absence of synchronization. We demonstrate synchronization in several systems relevant for various fermionic cold atom experiments.