A Quantum Inspired Approach to Exploit Turbulence Structures



Nikita Gourianov, Michael Lubasch, Sergey Dolgov, Quincy Y van den Berg, Hessam Babaee, Peyman Givi, Martin Kiffner, Dieter Jaksch

Tuning Metastable Light-Induced Superconductivity in K3C60with a Hybrid CO2-Ti: Sapphire Laser

2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 - Proceedings (2021)


M Budden, T Gebert, M Buzzi, G Jotzu, E Wang, T Matsuyama, G Meier, Y Laplace, D Pontiroli, M Ricco, F Schlawin, D Jaksch, A Cavalleri


High power mid-infrared light pulses of tunable pulse length were generated to stabilize light-induced superconductivity in K3C60 for nanoseconds. This metastable state showed a vanishing electrical resistance at five times the material's equilibrium critical temperature.

Out-of-time-ordered crystals and fragmentation

Physical Review Letters American Physical Society 128 (2021) 100601


Is a spontaneous perpetual reversal of the arrow of time possible? The out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) is a standard measure of irreversibility, quantum scrambling, and the arrow of time. The question may be thus formulated more precisely and conveniently: can spatially ordered perpetual OTOC oscillations exist in many-body systems? Here we give a rigorous lower bound on the amplitude of OTOC oscillations in terms of a strictly local dynamical algebra allowing for identification of systems that are out-of-time-ordered (OTO) crystals. While OTOC oscillations are possible for few-body systems, due to the spatial order requirement OTO crystals cannot be achieved by effective single or few body dynamics, e.g., a pendulum or a condensate. Rather they signal perpetual motion of quantum scrambling. It is likewise shown that if a Hamiltonian satisfies this novel algebra, it has an exponentially large number of local invariant subspaces, i.e., Hilbert space fragmentation. Crucially, the algebra, and hence the OTO crystal, are stable to local unitary and dissipative perturbations. A Creutz ladder is shown to be an OTO crystal, which thus perpetually reverses its arrow of time.

Evidence for metastable photo-induced superconductivity in K3C60

Nature Physics Springer Nature 17:5 (2021) 611-618


M Budden, T Gebert, M Buzzi, G Jotzu, E Wang, T Matsuyama, G Meier, Y Laplace, D Pontiroli, M Ricco, F Schlawin, D Jaksch, A Cavalleri


Excitation of high-Tc cuprates and certain organic superconductors with intense far-infrared optical pulses has been shown to create non-equilibrium states with optical properties that are consistent with transient high-temperature superconductivity. These non-equilibrium phases have been generated using femtosecond drives, and have been observed to disappear immediately after excitation, which is evidence of states that lack intrinsic rigidity. Here we make use of a new optical device to drive metallic K3C60 with mid-infrared pulses of tunable duration, ranging between one picosecond and one nanosecond. The same superconducting-like optical properties observed over short time windows for femtosecond excitation are shown here to become metastable under sustained optical driving, with lifetimes in excess of ten nanoseconds. Direct electrical probing, which becomes possible at these timescales, yields a vanishingly small resistance with the same relaxation time as that estimated by terahertz conductivity. We provide a theoretical description of the dynamics after excitation, and justify the observed slow relaxation by considering randomization of the order-parameter phase as the rate-limiting process that determines the decay of the light-induced superconductor.

Analytical solution for the steady states of the driven Hubbard model

Physical Review B American Physical Society 103:3 (2021) 35146


J Tindall, F Schlawin, Ma Sentef, D Jaksch


Under the action of coherent periodic driving a generic quantum system will undergo Floquet heating and continuously absorb energy until it reaches a featureless thermal state. The phase-space constraints induced by certain symmetries can, however, prevent this and allow the system to dynamically form robust steady states with off-diagonal long-range order. In this work, we take the Hubbard model on an arbitrary lattice with arbitrary filling and, by simultaneously diagonalizing the two possible SU(2) symmetries of the system, we analytically construct the correlated steady states for different symmetry classes of driving. This construction allows us to make verifiable, quantitative predictions about the long-range particle-hole and spin-exchange correlations that these states can possess. In the case when both SU(2) symmetries are preserved in the thermodynamic limit we show how the driving can be used to form a unique condensate which simultaneously hosts particle-hole and spin-wave order.