Big-bang nucleosynthesis (New)



BD Fields, S Sarkar

Cosmological Parameters and the Baryon Density from CMB and Galaxy Fluctuations

Springer Nature 274 (2002) 303-308


E Gaztañaga, J Barriga, MG Santos, S Sarkar

Could the end be in sight for ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays?

PHYSICS WORLD 15:9 (2002) 23-24

DIS event-shape resummations and spin-offs

ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 33:10 (2002) 3311-3316


M Dasgupta, GP Salam

Five-branes in heterotic brane-world theories -: art. no. 064024

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 65:6 (2002) ARTN 064024


M Brändle, A Lukas