Small-x final states and the CCFM equation

ArXiv hep-ph/9906302 (1999)


The status of the Milan group's work on CCFM-based phenomenology at small x, and possible directions of future investigation, are discussed.

Summary of the NOW'98 Phenomenology Working Group

ArXiv hep-ph/9906251 (1999)


SM Bilenky, A Geiser, C Giunti, S Mohanty, S Otwinowski, S Sarkar, ZZ Xing


Summary of the Phenomenology Working Group at the Europhysics Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW'98), 7-9 September 1998, Amsterdam.

Nonstandard embedding and five-branes in heterotic M theory

Physical Review D American Physical Society (APS) 59:10 (1999) 106005


André Lukas, Burt A Ovrut, Daniel Waldram

RG fixed points in supergravity duals of 4-d field theory and asymptotically AdS spaces

Physics Letters B Elsevier 454:1-2 (1999) 77-83


M Porrati, A Starinets

Universe as a domain wall

Physical Review D American Physical Society (APS) 59:8 (1999) 086001


André Lukas, Burt A Ovrut, KS Stelle, Daniel Waldram