Unification predictions

NUCLEAR PHYSICS B 511:1-2 (1998) 3-24


D Ghilencea, M Lanzagorta, GG Ross

Potential Sensitivity of Gamma-Ray Burster Observations to Wave Dispersion in Vacuo

ArXiv astro-ph/9712103 (1997)


G Amelino-Camelia, John Ellis, NE Mavromatos, DV Nanopoulos, Subir Sarkar


The recent confirmation that at least some gamma-ray bursters (GRBs) are indeed at cosmological distances raises the possibility that observations of these could provide interesting constraints on the fundamental laws of physics. Here we demonstrate that the fine-scale time structure and hard spectra of GRB emissions are very sensitive to the possible dispersion of electromagnetic waves in vacuo with velocity differences $\delta v \sim E/E_{\QG}$, as suggested in some approaches to quantum gravity. A simple estimate shows that GRB measurements might be sensitive to a dispersion scale $E_{QG}$ comparable to the Planck energy scale $E_{P} \sim 10^{19}$ GeV, sufficient to test some of these theories, and we outline aspects of an observational programme that could address this goal.

Potential Sensitivity of Gamma-Ray Burster Observations to Wave Dispersion in Vacuo



G Amelino-Camelia, John Ellis, NE Mavromatos, DV Nanopoulos, Subir Sarkar

The Spectral Dimension of Non-generic Branched Polymer Ensembles

ArXiv hep-th/9712058 (1997)


Joao D Correia, John F Wheater


We show that the spectral dimension on non-generic branched polymer models with susceptibility exponent $\gamma$ is given by $2/(1+\gamma)$. For those models with negative $\gamma$ we find that the spectral dimension is 2.

Structure function and angular ordering at small x

Nuclear Physics B Elsevier 505:1-2 (1997) 366-386


G Bottazzi, G Marchesini, GP Salam, M Scorletti