Obituary - Dennis Sciama 1926-1999

PHYSICS WORLD 13:2 (2000) 11-11

The outer atmosphere of α Tau -: III.: Inhomogeneities deduced from cold CO fluorescence



AD McMurry, C Jordan

The response of an accretion disc to an inclined dipole with application to AA Tauri

Astronomy and Astrophysics 360:3 (2000) 1031-1042


C Terquem, JCB Papaloizou

Rates of tidal disruption of stars by massive central black holes

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 309:2 (1999) 447-460


J Magorrian, S Tremaine


There is strong evidence for some kind of massive dark object in the centres of many galaxy bulges. The detection of flares from tidally disrupted stars could confirm that these objects are black holes (BHs). Here we present calculations of the stellar disruption rates in detailed dynamical models of real galaxies, taking into account the refilling of the loss cone of stars on disruptable orbits by two-body relaxation and tidal forces in non-spherical galaxies. The highest disruption rates (one star per 104 yr) occur in faint (L ≲ 1010L⊙) galaxies, which have steep central density cusps. More luminous galaxies are less dense and have much longer relaxation times and more massive BHs. Dwarf stars in such galaxies are swallowed whole by the BH and hence do not emit flares; giant stars could produce flares as often as every 105 yr, although the rate depends sensitively on the shape of the stellar distribution function. We discuss the possibility of detecting disruption flares in current supernova searches. The total mass of stars consumed over the lifetime of the galaxy is of the order of 106 M⊙, independent of galaxy luminosity; thus, disrupted stars may contribute significantly to the present BH mass in galaxies fainter than ∼ 109L⊙.

The Orbit and Mass of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

ArXiv astro-ph/9908025 (1999)


Ing-Guey Jiang, James Binney


Possible orbital histories of the Sgr dwarf galaxy are explored. A special-purpose N-body code is used to construct the first models of the Milky Way - Sgr Dwarf system in which both the Milky Way and the Sgr Dwarf are represented by full N-body systems and followed for a Hubble time. These models are used to calibrate a semi-analytic model of the Dwarf's orbit that enable us to explore a wider parameter space than is accessible to the N-body models. We conclude that the extant data on the Dwarf are compatible with a wide range of orbital histories. At one extreme the Dwarf initially possesses 10^{11} Solar Mass and starts from a Galactocentric distance 200 kpc. At the other extreme the Dwarf starts with 10^9 Solar Mass and Galactocentric distance 60 kpc, similar to its present apocentric distance. In all cases the Dwarf is initially dark-matter dominated and the current velocity dispersion of the Dwarf's dark matter is tightly constrained to be 21 km/s. This number is probably compatible with the smaller measured dispersion of the Dwarf's stars because of (a) the dynamical difference between dark and luminous matter, and (b) velocity anisotropy.