Resummation of the jet broadening in DIS

European Physical Journal C Springer Nature 24:2 (2002) 213-236


M Dasgupta, GP Salam

The Flavour Hierarchy and See-Saw Neutrinos from Bulk Masses in 5d Orbifold GUTs

ArXiv hep-ph/0205143 (2002)


Arthur Hebecker, John March-Russell


In supersymmetric grand unified theories (GUTs) based on S^1/(Z_2 x Z'_2) orbifold constructions in 5 dimensions, Standard Model (SM) matter and Higgs fields can be realized in terms of 5d hypermultiplets. These hypermultiplets can naturally have large bulk masses, leading to a localization of the zero modes at one of the two branes or to an exponential suppression of the mass of the lowest-lying non-zero mode. We demonstrate that these dynamical features allow for the construction of an elegant 3-generation SU(5) model in 5 dimensions that explains all the hierarchies between fermion masses and CKM matrix elements in geometrical terms. Moreover, if U(1)_\chi (where SU(5) x U(1)_\chi \subset SO(10)) is gauged in the bulk, but broken by the orbifold action at the SM brane, the right-handed neutrino mass scale is naturally suppressed relative to M_GUT. Together with our construction in the charged fermion sector this leads, via the usual see-saw mechanism, to a realistic light neutrino mass scale and large neutrino mixing angles.

Measuring the baryon content of the universe: BBN vs CMB

ArXiv astro-ph/0205116 (2002)


The relic abundance of baryons - the only form of stable matter whose existence we are certain of - is a crucial parameter for many cosmological processes, as well as material evidence that there is new physics beyond the Standard Model. We discuss recent determinations of the cosmological baryon density from analysis of the abundances of light elements synthesised at the end of ``the first three minutes'', and from the observed temperature anisotropies imprinted on small angular-scales in the cosmic microwave background when the universe was about 100,000 yr old.

The QCD/SM Working Group: Summary Report

ArXiv hep-ph/0204316 (2002)


S Alekhin, C Balazs, R Ball, T Binoth, E Boos, M Botje, M Cacciari, S Catani, V Del Duca, M Dobbs, SD Ellis, R Field, D de Florian, S Forte, E Gardi, T Gehrmann, A Gehrmann-De Ridder, W Giele, EWN Glover, M Grazzini, J-Ph Guillet, G Heinrich, J Huston, I Hinchliffe, V Ilyin, J Kanzaki, K Kato, B Kersevan, N Kidonakis, A Kulesza, Y Kurihara, E Laenen, K Lassila-Perini, L Lonnblad, L Magnea, M Mangano, K Mazumudar, S Moch, S Mrenna, P Nadolsky, P Nason, F Olness, F Paige, E Pilon, I Puljak, J Pumplin, E Richter-Was, G Salam, R Scalise, M Seymour, T Sjostrand, G Sterman, M Tonnesmann, E Tournefier, W Vogelsang, A Vogt, R Vogt, B Webber, C-P Yuan, D Zeppenfeld


This Report documents the results obtained by the Working Group on Quantum ChromoDynamics and the Standard Model for the Workshop ``Physics at TeV Colliders'', Les Houches, France, 21 May - 1 June 2001. The account of uncertainties in Parton Distribution Functions is reviewed. Progresses in the description of multiparton final states at Next-to-Leading Order and the extension of calculations for precision QCD observables beyond this order are summarized. Various issues concerning the relevance of resummation for observables at TeV colliders is examined. Improvements to algorithms of jet reconstruction are discussed and predictions for diphoton and photon pi-zero production at the LHC are made for kinematic variables of interest regarding searches for a Higgs boson decaying into two photons. Finally, several improvements implemented in Monte-Carlo event generators are documented.

On the graviton self energy in AdS4

Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 532:1-2 (2002) 48-54


M Porrati, A Starinets


We consider Einstein gravity coupled to a CFT made of a single free conformal scalar in AdS4. This simple case is rich enough to explain an unexpected gravitational Higgs phenomenon that has no flat-space counterpart, yet simple enough that many calculations can be carried on exactly. Specifically, in this Letter we compute the graviton self energy due to matter, and we exhibit its spectral representation. This enables us to find the spin-2 bound-state content of the system. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.