SU (N) gauge theories near Tc

Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 129-130 (2004) 569-571


B Lucini, M Teper, U Wenger


We study the deconfinement phase transition in SU(N) gauge theories for N=2,3,4,6,8. The transition is first order for N ≥ 3, with the strength increasing as N increases. We extrapolate Tc/σ to the continuum limit for each N, and observe a rapid approach to the large N limit. As N increases the phase transition becomes clear-cut on smaller spatial volumes, indicating the absence of (non-singular) finite volume corrections at N = ∞ - reminiscent of large N reduction. The observed rapid increase of the inter-phase surface tension with N may indicate that for N = ∞ the deconfinement transition cannot, in practise, occur. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.

New physics from ultrahigh energy cosmic rays

ACTA PHYS POL B 35:1 (2004) 351-364


Observations of cosmic rays with energies above similar to 4 x 10(10) GeV have inspired several speculative suggestions concerning their origin. The crucial question is whether or not the spectrum exhibits the expected 'GZK cutoff' at this energy-concerning which there are presently contradictory results. If there is indeed a cutoff, then the sources are cosmologically distant and rather exotic in nature. If there is no cutoff then new physics is required.

"Forbidden" decays of hybrid mesons to πρ can be large -: art. no. 094015

PHYSICAL REVIEW D 70:9 (2004) ARTN 094015


FE Close, JJ Dudek

A ’Baedecker’ for the dark matter annihilation signal

Phys.Rev. D69 (2004) 123501-123501


NW Evans, F Ferrer, Subir Sarkar

Does dark energy really exist?

PHYSICS WORLD 17:7 (2004) 15-15