Hydrodynamic non-linear response of interacting integrable systems

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA National Academy of Sciences


Michele Fava, Sounak Biswas, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Romain Vasseur, SA Parameswaran


We develop a formalism for computing the non-linear response of interacting integrable systems. Our results are asymptotically exact in the hydrodynamic limit where perturbing fields vary sufficiently slowly in space and time. We show that spatially resolved nonlinear response distinguishes interacting integrable systems from noninteracting ones, exemplifying this for the Lieb-Liniger gas. We give a prescription for computing finite-temperature Drude weights of arbitrary order, which is in excellent agreement with numerical evaluation of the third-order response of the XXZ spin chain. We identify intrinsically nonperturbative regimes of the nonlinear response of integrable systems.

Hydrodynamic stress correlations in fluid films driven by stochastic surface forcing

Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 064201 (2018)


Masoud Mohammadi-Arzanagh, Saeed Mahdisoltani, Rudolf Podgornik, and Ali Naji


Kekulé spiral order at all nonzero integer fillings in twisted bilayer graphene

Physical Review X American Physical Society


Yves H Kwan, Glenn Wagner, Tomohiro Soejima, Michael P Zaletel, Steven H Simon, Siddharth A Parameswaran, Nick Bultinck


We study magic angle graphene in the presence of both strain and particle-hole symmetry breaking due to non-local inter-layer tunneling. We perform a self-consistent Hartree-Fock study that incorporates these effects alongside realistic interaction and substrate potentials, and explore a comprehensive set of competing orders including those that break translational symmetry at arbitrary wavevectors. We find that at all non-zero integer fillings very small strains, comparable to those measured in scanning tunneling experiments, stabilize a fundamentally new type of time-reversal symmetric and spatially non-uniform order. This order, which we dub the 'incommensurate Kekul\'e spiral' (IKS) order, spontaneously breaks both the emergent valley-charge conservation and moir\'e translation symmetries, but preserves a modified translation symmetry $\hat{T}'$ -- which simultaneously shifts the spatial coordinates and rotates the $U(1)$ angle which characterizes the spontaneous inter-valley coherence. We discuss the phenomenological and microscopic properties of this order. We argue that our findings are consistent with all experimental observations reported so far, suggesting a unified explanation of the global phase diagram in terms of the IKS order.

Lattice supersymmetry and order-disorder coexistence in the tricritical Ising model

Physical Review Letters American Physical Society


Paul Fendley, E O'Brien

Many-body delocalisation as symmetry breaking

Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 026802-026802


Sj Garratt, Jt Chalker


We present a framework in which the transition between a many-body localised (MBL) phase and an ergodic one is symmetry breaking. We consider random Floquet spin chains, expressing their averaged spectral form factor (SFF) as a function of time in terms of a transfer matrix that acts in the space direction. The SFF is determined by the leading eigenvalues of this transfer matrix. In the MBL phase the leading eigenvalue is unique, as in a symmetry-unbroken phase, while in the ergodic phase and at late times the leading eigenvalues are asymptotically degenerate, as in a system with degenerate symmetry-breaking phases. We identify the broken symmetry of the transfer matrix, introduce a local order parameter for the transition, and show that the associated correlation functions are long-ranged only in the ergodic phase.